Service Provider Editions

Win Cyber

Service providers need cyber service delivery solutions built for them

Why You Need to Secure Compliance

Clients require certainty on how safe they are from cyber threats and what is required to meet their cyber compliance needs.

Inform & Convert

Establish cyber credibility, inform your clients about investments, and win new business

Deliver Services

Implement advanced cyber security architectures over time.


Prove your clients' cybersecurity posture to stakeholders with audit-grade documentation.

Service providers winning cyber with FortMesa

Service Provider Partners

Service Provider partners across the world have found success delivering cybersecurity services with FortMesa.

Build Your Security Fortress with Our Platform

Continurisk GRC

Navigate strategies for delivering continuous improvements in cybersecurity, then prove it.

Riskchain VM

React immediately to tactical threats with continuous cyber risk assessment & vulnerability management.

Certified Assessments & Advisory

Win client engagements and deliver superior security solutions on demand.

Service Provider Editions for cyber service delivery

Service partners need to build internal security to ensure client safety

Pathfinder NFR

Try FortMesa out in your business and get ready to win cyber service delivery engagements with your clients.

  • No cost to qualified providers
  • Get started with formalized cyber compliance
  • Build internal cyber resiliency

Service partners need to build internal security to ensure client safety

 Multi-Tenant Edition

Build your cyber service delivery practice using FortMesa training and other partner enablement.

  • Low commitment sales-enablement tooling
  • Work with unlimited clients
  • Comprehensive security compliance support

Become a Partner

Own your customers’ cyber roadmap 

Deliver cyber services or integrate with FortMesa to grow customer trust and navigate cyber compliance.